W.A.L.T We are learning to use desripte words and desripe what we can see touch smell and taste
Story Starter
He was a most peculiar looking chap…..
Can you write a character description of the Mad Hatter?
He was a most peculiar looking chap…
His orange oily hair and EYEbrows look like they have
He smells like he has been trapped with ladys perfume
for years and it has made its way inside of him.
He has an overload of foundation,concealer,bronzer,
blusher and eye shadow.
He has face white itchy face paint on his face.
His eyebrows feel stail and he has put to much hair
spray on them.
His face feels soft like a baby's face.
He is from a circus and from Alise and the wonderland.
He likes dancing and he is quite good at knife
throwing and sword fights.
His eyes have Orangy red and dark green contact lenses.
When you go by him he tastes and smells like ladys
When you touch his eye brows it feels like a frozen
cockroach but warm.
His makeup tastes like soft smoshy powdery cheesey oil.
He is dressed in a clown black and white suit kinda like
a dress up ken doll.
His orange hair tastes like hard stale stringy hair spray.
His shoes are black and very long and polished.
His toe nails taste very tuff and not trimmed.
I found this easy and fun because We got to watch alice and wonderland and it helped alot.